Jobs and Internships
For a list of Internship Opportunities Related to Social Issues and Economic Policy please see our Google Sheet.
Below, we list some select job opportunities from outside the private sector. For a more general listing of private and public sector job opportunities, please visit Beyond Barnard
03/24/25 - Pre-Doctoral Research Specialist, Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania (see flyer)
02/14/25 - Pre-Doctoral Technical Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Sloan School of Management
02/13/25 - Pre-Doctoral Research Associate, Brown University (March 15, 2025 Deadline)
02/04/25 - Research Assistant, Center for Economic Security and Opportunity, Brookings
01/30/25 - Data Analyst, Penn Wharton; University of Pennsylvania (see flyer)
01/24/25 - Predoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, Opportunity Insights (February 11, 2025 Deadline) (see flyer)
01/09/25 - Data Analyst, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, (see flyer)
09/24/24 - Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, (October 15, 2024 Deadline)
09/16/24 - Financial Analyst Fellow, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
08/30/24 - Research Fellow, Stanford Law School (October 21, 2024 Deadline) (see flyer)
08/30/24 - Development Economics Pre-Doc Fellow, CEGA
08/30/24 - Pre-Doc Researcher, University of Notre Dame, LEO (September 22, 2024 Deadline)
08/06/24 - Research Assistant, The Brookings Institution (October 12, 2024 deadline)
02/15/24 - Faculty Research Analyst, Wharton, Mack Institute for Innovation Mgmt. (see flyer)
02/09/24 - Pre-Doc Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School (March 5, 2024 deadline)
02/09/24 - Pre-Doc Research Assistant, California Policy Lab, UC Berkeley (see flyer)
12/05/23 - Pre-Doc Research Fellow, Malcolm Weiner Center for Social Policy, Harvard Kennedy School (see flyer)
12/05/23 - Research Associate, The Ohio State University
11/21/23 - Pre-Doc Research, Real Estate Center, Wharton School (see flyer)
10/12/23 - Predoctoral Research Fellowship, Stanford, Institute for Economic Policy Research (October 20th deadline.)
10/12/23 - Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow, Nathaniel Hendren, Professor, MIT (October 15th deadline.)
09/20/23 - Full-time Research Assistant, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (Oct 15th deadline. Start Summer '24)
09/15/23 - Director’s Financial Analyst (DFA) Program, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (recent grads)
09/11/23 - Program Assistant, Russell Sage Foundation (recent grads)
09/08/23 - Full-time Research Fellows (Pre-Docs), Stanford Law School (October 15th deadline see flyer)
04/26/23 - Predoctoral Research Assistant (Contract), Microsoft (May 15th deadline)
02/26/23 - Pre Doctoral Fellow, Harris School of Public Policy, The University of Chicago (see flyer)
01/11/22 - Research Assistant, Federal Reserve System (see flyer)
12/12/22 - Staff Associate, Columbia University, Dept. of Economics
10/28/22 - Assistant Analyst, Congressional Budget Office (CBO) (see flyer)
10/20/22 - Research Analyst, Wharton, Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center (Job Ref#JR00062479 see flyer)
09/27/22 - Research Fellow, Stanford Law School, (October 17, 2022 deadline) (see flyer)
09/20/22 - Research Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, (October 15, 2022 deadline)
08/17/22 - Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (October 14, 2022 deadline)
08/09/22 - Senior Data Engineer, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Economic Research Division
04/18/22 - Program Coordinator, Penn Wharton Budget Model
04/05/22 - Market Research Analysts / Data Associates, Centrly
03/15/22 - Research Analyst, Peter G. Peterson Foundation (other positions available)
02/18/22 - Research Data Analyst, Penn Wharton Budget Model (see flyer)
02/11/22 - Assistant Analyst, Congressional Budget Office (CBO) (see flyer)
02/09/22 - Macroeconomic Research Fellow - Jain Family Institute (JFI) (see flyer)
01/19/22 - Pre-Doctoral Fellowship--Opportunity Insights, Harvard University (see flyer)
01/05/22 - Investment Analyst, Brown Brothers Harriman (see flyer)
12/08/21 - Research Data Analyst, Penn Wharton Budget Model, University of Pennsylvania (see flyer)
11/15/21 - Pre-Doctoral Fellow, The University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy (see flyer)
11/05/21 - Sophomore Winter Fellowships, D. E. Shaw Group (November 22nd Deadline - see flyer)
10/22/21 - Senior Research Specialist, Princeton Program in Public Finance
10/15/21 - Research Associate, University of California, Berkeley (keyword 25259 - see flyer)
10/13/21 - Associates - Secretariat Economists - (see flyer)
10/12/21 - Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy
10/12/21 - Research Assistant, Pre-Doctoral Fellowship - Opportunity Insights - (October 19th Deadline - see flyer)
10/12/21 - Research Analyst - Federal Reserve Bank of New York - (see flyer)
10/05/21 - Senior Research Specialist I - Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University
10/05/21 - Research Professional - Booth Faculty Research, The University of Chicago - (see flyer)
10/01/21 - Database Administrator/Research Analyst - Wharton Real Estate Center, University of Pennsylvania - (see flyer)
09/30/21 - Research Assistant - The White House Council of Economic Advisers
09/16/21 - Empirical Research Fellow at Stanford Law School (2nd Round Deadline 1/3/22 - see flyer)
09/16/21 - Research Associate - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
09/10/21 - Research Assistant - The Federal Reserve System (see flyer)
09/03/21 - Research Assistant - The Brookings Institution
08/13/21 - Program Coordinator - The Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania
01/26/21 - Campus Organizers - Student PIRGs
01/06/21 - Research Associates - Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis
11/12/20 - Urban Teachers (Nov 16th Deadline)
11/04/20 - Assistant Analysts - Congressional Budget Office
10/27/20 - Pre-Doctoral Research Assistantships - Microsoft Corp. Research Labs
10/27/20 - Pre-Doctoral Fellows - Yale University Tobin Center
10/14/20 - Research Associate Positions - Economists Incorporated
10/09/20 - Federal Reserve System - Economics Jobs
09/29/20 - Research Analysts - Federal Reserve System
09/15/20 - Research Analysts - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
09/08/20 - Research Fellows - Stanford Law School
08/31/20 - Research Assistant, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco